
Should Sieves Be Cleaned In Flour Mill

In the manufacturing plant, in addition to the miller himself either two helpers also worked in case of flour milling, or one in example of preparation of feed mixtures. The milling was mainly driven by water, which powered a system of water wheels, afterwards a turbine. In the event of performance excess, the turbine powered both the mill and dynamo, which produced electricity and helped to continue rotations of the whole mill. Considering its operation, the mill was capable of processing 4 tons of grain to flour in 24 hours, while the mass for fine flour had to exist candy fifty-fifty up to seven times. There could exist upwards to five tons of wheat and iii tons of barley in mill grain storage bins. It was possible to buy the flour by replacement. Per 100 kg of wheat a buyer got 35 kg of fine flour, 35 kg of semolina flour and fifteen kg of feed flour. He also got 13 kg of bran and ii kg of impurities and dust.

The technological procedure itself started on the ground floor, where the grain was poured into a hopper. A hectoliter weight was likewise measured. From there information technology was transported by bucket conveyors in wooden pipes, which provided the vertical movement of the material in the mill, up to the third floor. In that location, it was necessary to separate the grain from crust and impurities.

A screening auto and a trieur, or but a cleaner, were used for this purpose. The grain was cleaned from footling stones, soil particles, dust, weeds, straw, chaff and other adulterants, which could have a significant impact on the deterioration of the final products quality.

The grain was further poured through a downcomer into the chamber, where the impurities were aspirated by a ventilator, called an aspirator. Havier particles of the adulterants were stored in storage chambers, lighter ones are sucked by aspiration into a filter. The grain particularly falls down onto a moving sieve. The sieve oscillates due to an eccentric centrality of rotation, the grain moves on metal sieves, where smaller stones, chaff etc. fall through and are lead out separately from the grain. Under the motorcar in that location is a magnet, which captures small metal objects out of the grain, considering they could cause the devastation of machinery, or a mill fire.

The trieur is a machine for cleaning the grain from adulterants of the same diameter every bit the main raw fabric, but which differ in length. This method is used for elimination of the adulterants, which cannot be separated past the sieves. Information technology mainly concerns round grains, thus peas, vetch or weeds like cockle. A cylindrical trieur has a cylinder with calibrated holes within. Beingness cleaned, the grain goes through the cylinder, individual components are compared to the holes and shorter particles are discharged through a collecting trough while longer ones slide downwardly and are carried away past the cylinder. The cleaning machines were manufactured by the company Josef Prokop & Sons from Pardubice at the cease of the 1920s.

The clean grain had to exist weighed once again. Later, it was either stored in containers or went past gravity to a periodical peeling machine on the outset flooring.

There, the grain is sharpened, which means that husks – bran, peelings, tailings, sprout and beard, are eliminated. After that, groats remain only. The grain is poured into a feeding arrangement through a downcomer. The feeding system doses it into the car in periodical cycles. The dosing time could exist ready and thus information technology is called a periodic peeling automobile. Within the machine in that location are fast rotating metallic wings, which throws the grain against the emery-covered walls of the drum box. The grain is sharpened due to this. After a certain catamenia of the process, a valve is opened and the sharpened grain (groats) is poured, together with the husks, into a space, where the husks – bran, sprout and beard, are sucked by a ventilator into a filter.. The peeling machine was manufactured past the company Leopold Kašpar from Šternberk, approximately by the end of the 1920s.

The groats could be the final product, just hither, they were further processed to flour. This means that they went through a roller mill, usually up to seven times. The roller mills had different types of rollers – either smooth ceramic or corrugated fe.

The footing mixture was once more transported by the bucket conveyors to the third floor. In that location, information technology was necessary to separate private sorts according to their particle size, i.e. meals, flours, semolina flour and others. Oscillating sieving machines were used for this purpose.

The oscillating sieving auto is in fact a system of sieves and overflows in frames placed ane higher up the other. The frames hangs on racks. In the middle of the machine there is an eccentric, which is continued to the transmission via a belt. This results in the circular motion of the motorcar. The footing mixture is poured into the machine via a downcomer, where information technology is moved on the sieves (fine, fibroid, coarsest) and sorted (sieved) due to the backward-and-forrard motion. The material gradually falls down to other sieves. Through the complicated organization of overflows, the private sorts are atomic number 82 from the machine into bagging spouts. The downcomers are connected with inputs and outputs of the sieving machine via material numberless.

The bigger of the machines was manufactured at the offset of the 1930s past the company Josef Prokop & Sons, the smaller one probably by the company Antonín Jeřábek from Velkého Meziříčí in the 1920s. The first was used for sorting the milled wheat, the second for the milled barley.

The obtained individual sorts could be afterwards composite according to needs in a blending automobile. When the semolina flour was requested, the ground mixture had to exist further cleaned.

A coarser ground semolina mixture may contain admixtures of bran husks, which decrease the final products quality. The cleaning car is capable of eliminating these not-standard admixtures and sorting the semolina flour according to its particle size.

The mixture falls down, via a downcomer, on the frames with sieves oscillating due to an eccentric. It moves on the sieves and the ventilator in the upper part of the machine generates air-menstruation, which sucks out light particles of the bran husks over the sieves, where they are gathered in metal gutters. Due to vibration of the gutters they are pb from the machine separately. The lightest bran particles are sucked by the ventilator into a filter. Heavier semolina particles remain on the sieves and due to their vibration they are separated (sieved) to the concluding sorts, which fall down into bags on the floor beneath. The sieves in the input are effectively, those in the output are coarser. This car was manufactured by the company Josef Prokop & Sons at the beginning of the 1930s.

The dissever affiliate of the milling procedure is represented past a repast mill, or a milling machine with two mill stones. The flour was milled in such a meal manufactory till the end of the 19th century. Later on, information technology was mainly used for milling feed mixtures for livestock.


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